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The total market capitalization of crypto is the real-time calculation of all coins and tokens listed by crypto price tracking websites. Assets such as NFTs and metaverse land are not currently included in the calculations of any major crypto price services.
The overall market cap of crypto is important for investors to understand the general sentiment of the market, either up or down. It is also a useful way for users and investors to understand the level of growth and adoption of cryptocurrencies.
Trading volume is normally shown as two related charts. One shows the total number of transactions in a given time period, which is normally 24 hours. The other shows the total financial value of coins or tokens traded, which is normally denominated in US dollars.
Bitcoin (BTC) dominance is a metric used to measure the relative market share or dominance of Bitcoin in the overall cryptocurrency market. It represents the percentage of Bitcoin's total market capitalization compared to the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies combined. Since Bitcoin was the first asset, it has remained the largest by market cap, which is why its dominance in the market is a number that many people follow. We describe the assets tracked in this chart as cryptoassets because it includes tokens and stablecoins, not just cryptocurrencies. A list of decentralized exchange pairs can be found elsewhere.
Implied volatility (IV) is a measure of the expected future volatility of an underlying asset, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. It is derived from the prices of options contracts and reflects the market's expectations of how much the asset's price will fluctuate over a certain period of time. IV is often referred to as the "fear gauge" because it is believed to indicate investors' sentiment and uncertainty about the future price movements of the asset. It is an important concept in options trading and can be calculated using different methodologies, such as model-dependent or model-free approaches. The Volmex Implied Volatility Indices use a model-free approach to calculate the IV of crypto assets and provide forward-looking market views expressed as an index. Details of the methodology can be found here.

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